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Initial Pinch Plate Rolls
Double Pinch Plate Rolls
High Speed Automatic Rolls
Hvac and Duct
Manufacturing Equipment
Other Roll Forming
Machinery & Equipment
Cincinatti, Bridgeport,
Dean Smith & Grace, Colchester, Huron, Standard Modern, TOS, Allsteel, Niagara, Minster, Aida, Brown Boggs, Harig, Jones & Shipman, Kent, Chevalier, Lian Feng, Lillian



A hardened and ground steel roll on top with a large diameter roll at the bottom made of high molecular density urethane. one pass rolling with speeds of 4000+ parts/ day. These 2 roll plate rolling machines are the ultimate in high speed production of shells in Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Copper and Steel. Punched, Engraves and Pierced plates do not deform with the method used with these plate rolls.
The range of the thickness and width the GAMMA 2 can be used is:
For material with 36,000 psi/ 250 N/mm˛
material Yield Strength
  • 0.4 - 3.5mm / 0.015" - 0.138" thickness
  • 500 to 1600mm / 20" to 63" width

    For material with 50,000 psi/ 350 N/mm˛
    material Yield Strength
  • 0.4 - 2.0mm / 0.015" - 0.079" thickness
  • 500 to 1600mm / 20" to 63" width

  • The GAMMA 2 is a two roll machine, all hydraulic, with the bottom roll being of high molecular density URETHANE.The Urethane roll presses onto the top roll with the material in-between and because of its elasticity it tries to wrap the sheet around the top roll. As the rolling progresses a radius is imparted to it by this process.

    Automatic ejection of part
    Automatic blank feeding system
    These are the same used on the Four-Matic pages
    Every Gamma 2 is specifically designed per customer's requirements.
    Other special lengths and thickness capacities may be built by COMAL ITALIA to fit your exact need.

    A unique feature of COMAL's two roll machine is that it was designed with quick change over of the top roll in mind. The traditional method in the industry to obtain different diameter parts on the urethane two roll machines is to insert a tubular mandrel over the one and not easily removable top roll to obtain different diameters of rolled cylinders. COMAL decided on its approach in order to solve the problems associated with the industry wide design, where debris, chips and dirt enter in-between the top roll and the mandrel…then spill out onto the urethane roll and embedding themselves to cause scratches and marks on the rolled part , beside damaging the urethane roll's surface! An example of this tubular mandrel is below:


  • High productivity. More than 4000 pieces per day
  • Perfect pre-bending
  • Easy to operate, bending with one pass
  • No damage to the plate neither outside nor inside
  • Punched, engraved or pierced plate may be rolled without deformation
  • Rolling of materials from the softest to the hardest

    High precision pipes, tubes and cylinders are rolled on the Gamma 2.

  • HUSCAN Machinery Inc.
    68 Covepark Dr. NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Tel: (587) 350 4378, e-mail:info@huscan.com

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